AI for root cause medicine is here!

Integrate the first and only decision support system on the market that is enhanced by AI for restorative and reversing care. Functional Medicine practitioners can now start treating more patients more effectively.

decision support system

Improve patient outcomes.

cAIre tech helps you address several critical challenges healthcare providers and patients are facing. Eliminate unnecessary trial and error by offering consistent and effective care through standardized, yet personalized, diagnosis and treatment plans. Draw new actionable insights from data analysis, empowering your practitioners to make informed decisions and much more.

Data Privacy and Data Safety

Security first.

At cAIre tech, we prioritize maintaining the highest standards of security and confidentiality. While we provide decision support systems for healthcare practitioners and are not classified as medical devices ourselves, we proactively develop our solutions to meet the stringent requirements of medical device regulations.

We strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA, to ensure data protection. Our commitment to transparency means we openly communicate the types of data we collect, how we utilize it, and the robust measures in place to safeguard it. This provides our clients with full visibility and control over their data.

Enables collaborations

Share reports with the patient, hospitals or other practitioners, and research institutes to advance the science.

Better use of data

Understand and make use of your large amounts of data.

Improved patient outcomes

AI analytics of large data sets can provide unique insights, enhance decision-making, and deliver superior patient outcomes beyond human capabilities.

Increased efficiency

Automating tasks to focus on more complex and important work helps the clinic to run more efficiently, allowing you to serve more patients in less time.

Cost savings

By streamlining operations, reducing errors, and improving patient outcomes, AI can lead to significant cost savings.

Competitive advantage

Stay ahead of the curve, attract new patients, and retain existing ones.

Paradigm shift in health care

Do you cAIre for a paradigm shift in managing chronic diseases?

Yes! No matter your role or resources, we are very much looking forward to having you on the journey with us toward this very important paradigm shift.

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of chronic conditions could be avoided by healthy lifestyle
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